There are so many things to share and so many reasons why I should have penned down my thoughts and informations here, a lot earlier than today. However, I have finally got out of the spell of procrastination and here in front of you.
The past one year has changed a lot in me and also in my career. And in this period I got a chance to make a documentary on Lost Lakes of Bangalore called 'Err-bane Truth' (click on the name for the link of the VIDEO) along with my friend Nishant Ratnakar. It was a wonderful experience to make that documentary. It also won the Lost Lakes of Bangalore contest conducted by Arghyam Foundation which runs Apart from this, we are awaiting t
he results

of a contest, run by Hyderabad Film Festival. Hope things are in our favour and it will all be known on the last d
ay of June! (more details of the fest:
And I am going to complete an year with Suvarna Entertainment Channel and will soon be working as a part time voice over artist for them, instead of the present full time job.
My intention is to work full time on making documentaries etc in the coming days and commit myself more into a little bit of more writing and more travel than I have done in the last few years. The idea is to not waste my time at the office, and spend more of it outside, because, there is SO MUCH to see and do in here!
Vijaya Next, a Kannada Magazine run by Times Of India group featured my opinions on the Radio scenario and Radio Jockeys in particular, attached here is an image of the same.
And there is more to come. Please keep watching this space for the further information on the same.
Thank you!
Badekkila Pradeep